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1. 船舶用铸钢件

铸钢节点的优点 1.铸钢节点克服了应力集中的影响,由于铸钢节点的钢管相贯处是在厂内整体浇铸成型的,就不会产生相贯线切割以及重叠焊缝焊接引起的应力集中,使钢结构受力合理,整体结构稳定。 2.铸钢节点适应性强,可根据建筑需要生产出复杂外型和型腔的节点,并按受力状况采用最合理的截面形状,从而改善节点的应力分布。 3.铸钢节点美观,由于去掉了节点球,是钢结构外形简洁、流畅、美观、尺寸精准,从而体现建筑师的设计思想及对美的追求。 4.铸钢节点的应用范围广,不受节点的位置、形状、尺寸的限制,能使任意空间造型,任何建筑形状都成为现实,既可用于上部、中部节点,也可用于支座节点。 5.铸钢节点(是在工厂内制作完成的),大大的减少了高空作业的工作量,使整 体建筑成本降低,整体工程质量提高,并且大大降低了高空作业对施工人员带来的危害。   船用铸钢件,生产难度大,技术工艺复杂   峨眉山下,东坡故里的四川西拓钢结构铸钢件制造有限公司,位于四川省眉山市洪雅县机械化工产业园区,公司是国家大型铸钢节点生产企业,年产环保型铸钢节点产品达7.2万吨,公司生产的品质优良的铸钢节点广泛应用于机场,高铁站,会展中心,体育场馆,特大型桥梁,文旅设施以及船舶机具设备等  

2. 免维护滑轮专用轴承-广绘替倍优TBU出品

替倍优TBU免维护港机滑轮专用轴承,广绘旗下高端产品 SL04 5008PP - SL04 5096PP全系列

3. 广绘替倍优TBU浮吊滑轮组轴承


4. 广绘TBU轴承免维护克令吊滑轮专用轴承

TBU轴承 免维护港机、克令吊滑轮专用轴承

5. 出租各种抓斗在上海格鲁博机械有限公司


6. 供镍矿抓斗在格鲁博

镍矿抓斗 我公司生产的镍矿抓斗,主要用来抓取镍矿、铁精粉、红粘土等粘性很强的矿石,由于近来镍矿、铁精粉、红粘土等矿石在被人们广泛使用,因此,许多大港口就存在着这样一个问题,在装卸这此矿石的时候,存在着装卸效率低,抓斗内壁被很多矿石粘着,我公司为了解决这一难题,现已研究并生产出来这种专业抓取很粘的矿石抓斗,原理是:不让镍矿挤压,这样镍矿就不会粘斗体,我司镍矿抓斗是在绳索抓斗的基础上改进,没有斗瓣后颚板。 Our grab nickel production, nickel is mainly used to crawl Hard fine powder, red clay minerals such as highly viscous due to the recent nickel Hard fine powder, red clay and other minerals to be widely used, so Many major ports on the existence of such a problem, in which the ore handling when loading and unloading there is a low efficiency, has been a lot of ore grab adhesive wall, our company in order to solve this dilemma has been studied and produced by such a professional crawl very sticky ore grab, the principle is: grab the lowbeam calculated to increase the adoption of two pieces of solder, including the specific location of board and grab the bucket to create a circular flap, so Open grab discharging, the fight is on board, including the body wall from the top down (no contact with body panels Doo), to stick the body in fighting the viscous wall down, including mine, so, which greatly improved the handling grab the efficiency of ports and factories to solve the problem, which is purpuratus grab a patent, other manufacturers can not be produced.  

7. 供木片抓斗在格鲁博

木片多瓣绳索抓斗 我公司生产制造的木片多瓣绳索抓斗,抓斗斗瓣采用高耐磨超硬强度的板材HG785D生产制造,采用这种板材制造出来的抓斗优点是:1)此类抓斗的斗容是普通抓斗斗容的两倍多,2)抓斗钢结构结实耐用,3)抓斗抓取比高(抓斗抓木片能抓得很满),4)抓斗工作效率高(用普通抓斗抓木片所用的时间是专用抓木片抓斗的双倍),5)运木片的货主都喜欢来这里卸货。这样不仅给港口带来了经济效益,还给港口节约了成本。目前,本公司生产的木片多瓣绳索抓斗在海南金海浆纸业和山东日照港正在使用,25吨木片抓斗能做到30立方--32立方,10吨木片多瓣抓斗能做到10立方--12立方,此类产品要经过特殊设计,生产出来的抓斗才好用,才耐用,这是我公司的成熟专利产本,请广大客户放心购买使用。   Wood much disc rope grab My company manufacturing pieces of wood much disc ropes, grab bucket disc grab use high wear-resisting super-hard intensity, the HG785D manufacturing sheet of bridge-type grab this plate manufacture out advantage is: 1) :such grab bucket let is ordinary grab bucket let more than twice, 2) :grab steel structure solid durable, 3): the grab than high (grab catch chips can catch very full) ,4): grab high efficiency (to use common grab catch chips time used is special catch chips grab) and 5): luck double the owner of the wood is like to come here to unload its cargo. So not only to bring the economic benefit and port to port saved costs. At present, the company produced chips in shandong rope grab more disc is being used in rizhao port, this kind of product should pass special design, production comes out with, just grab just durable, this is my company's mature production this, please customers trust to purchase use.

8. 供除尘漏斗在格鲁博

  除尘装卸漏斗(Hopper)(环保料斗)   我公司设计制造的漏斗,主要用于装卸,如煤渣、水泥粉、铁精粉、镍矿等,并可跟据客户的要求进行非标准设计,可在漏斗上按装除尘装置(起到港口环保作用)、还可以在漏斗上按装上洒水喷雾装置(让能洒水的货物达到抑尘的目的)、电动液压门装置、振动给料装置和行走装置,大大提高了装卸效率。      The hopper made by our company are suitable to load and unload the coal cinder、the nickel mines、the cement powder and the iron powder gran sand soon.It can be designed in rorstard according to the needer.It can be installed on dust catcher、electronic hydraulic door,vibrant supplying material devices and devices.All of these can greatly imprive the working efficiency.

9. 供多瓣遥控斗在格鲁博

无线遥控多瓣抓斗(液压系统全球联保) 是一种能在空中打开的新型单绳抓斗。它既有绳索抓斗结构简单、使用可靠的特点,又有动力式抓斗生产效率高的特点,它的出现改写了普通单绳抓斗生产效率低的历史。 它广泛应用于船舶、港口中、车站、工厂、矿山等物料搬运单位。它是煤炭、矿粉、散化肥、黄砂等散货装卸的理想工具。 无线遥控抓斗可以在高温、严寒、粉尘、雨天等环境下工作而其性能不受影响,抓斗遥控距离可达50米以上,抓斗采用了高性能蓄电池,每次充电后,抓斗可连续作业100小时以上,工作原理是:利用电池打开电池阀,让液压系统开始工作。 Wireless remote control grab is a newtype sing letypesingle type can open in the air without any additional energy,It has hoth the advantages ofsimple structureand terminates the low effieciencyof single rope grabin hoisting and transiting. This grab is widely used inship,port,railway materials(ave.granulation 30mm max 100mm) station,factory,mine and other transport departments,It isan ideal toolin handing bulk car gosuch as coal,orepowder,fertilizer and sand.This grab can be operated well under circumstance of high temperature.Severe cold,dust and rain.There mote distance is more than 50 metres,Thegrab has built-incharger and high efficiency,battery,canoperate. (the hydraulic system is global services)

10. 供多瓣液压斗在格鲁博

电动液压多瓣抓斗(液压系统全球联保)   主要应用于废钢、垃圾、石块等不规则散货的装卸。适用于钢厂、垃圾焚烧处理、港口、铁路中转等场合。其先进的系统设计,结合进口液压元器件,使其能安全、稳定、使用寿命长且低维护。   Motor Hydraulic Orange Peel Grabs Mainly for handing of irregular shape materials such as scrap、refuse、graveletc.Suitable for steel mills、refuse plants、port and railway. The advance design in combination with German hydraulic components offers safe、stable、reliable、and low maintenance operation.(the hydraulic system is global services)
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